7 Shamanic Self Healing Practices to Enhance Your Wellness

Are you tired of feeling stuck in the same old routine and ready to shake things up in the name of self-improvement? Look no further than shamanic self-healing practices! These ancient techniques have been used for centuries by indigenous cultures around the world to promote physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. Here are 7 shamanic self-healing practices to enhance your wellness:

  1. Journey Work: This involves entering an altered state of consciousness through various means (such as drumming or chanting) and traveling to the spirit world to seek guidance and healing.

  2. Power Animal Work: By connecting with your personal spirit animal or power animal, you can tap into its unique qualities and characteristics to help heal and empower yourself.

  3. Soul Retrieval: This practice involves retrieving lost or fragmented parts of your soul in order to restore balance and wholeness to your being.

  4. Energy Healing: Shamanic healers use various techniques to clear and balance the energy within and around the body, including smudging (using smoke from sacred herbs) and laying on of hands.

  5. Divination: Seeking guidance and insight from the spirit world through methods such as tarot readings or the use of shamanic divination tools can help bring clarity and direction to your life.

  6. Past Life Regression: By accessing and exploring past lives, you can gain a deeper understanding of your present experiences and heal unresolved issues.

  7. Nature Connection: Spending time in nature and connecting with the natural world can help bring a sense of grounding and balance to your being.

Shamanic self-healing practices may seem out there, but don't knock it till you try it! These techniques can be incredibly powerful in helping you tap into your own inner wisdom and healing capabilities. So why not give one (or all!) a shot and see what magic it brings into your life?


What is Shamanic Journeying: The Beginner's Guide


What Is Soul Retrieval?